Tuesday 6 May 2014

Assignment 4 : Free Hand Drawings

This assignment is start with one point perspective drawing.
We have to draw a kitchen or a living room on a tracing paper with artline pen by tracing back the previous assignment (one point perspective drawing) and I chose kitchen.
for the third one, make a copy of kitchen drawing and we have to use the rendering technique and shade the kitchen. 
After pencil rendering, we have to use marker for the same kitchen drawing.
For the last assignment, we replace the assignment we did before and we have to use makers and create it like a poster. 

Assignment 3 : 3 Dimensional Drawings

In, 3Dimensional drawing, we have to draw back like the thing given from assignment brief.
The second assignment for 3Dimensional is draw back the plan which we drew in 2 Dimensional drawing assignment but we have to use the Isometric technique and we named it plan oblique.  

Assignment 2 : 2Dimensional Drawings

2 Dimensional drawing start with a drawing of small room plan and in this assignment, we have to design ourself by using the object the have given in assignment brief.

The second one is to draw back the plan drawing which is given in assignment brief.
Third one is about the plan of electricity connection in building.
The fourth one is the roof plan.
5th & 6th, elevation drawings.
7th & 8th is the section drawings of the building given in assignment brief.

Assignment 1 : Line & Text

 For the first assignment of line and text, we have to create like a poster with words which describe our chracter.

for the second we have to practise architectural writing and line with artline pens on tracing paper.
Orthographic drawings are also include in line and text assignment part.

Skill test

The first class is testing about the level of drawing skill. We have to draw any vehicle of our choice in class. So, this is mine.